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Ethics and Professional Responsibility

This research guide provides an overview of legal ethics and professional responsibility.

Study Aids

Visit the Law Student Study Aids section of the Law Library for books that provide definitions and explanations of criminal law topics.

In addition to these hornbooks, flashcards and audio CDs are available at circulation.


Treatises on legal ethics can be found on Westlaw and LexisNexis. Law students will need to log-in with their Westlaw or LexisNexis usernames and passwords.

For a more complete listing, see the Law Library's treatises on Legal Ethics (KF305-KF314).


Crafted by the American Law Institute, the Restatement of the Law Third: The Law Governing Lawyers is intended to clarify and synthesize the common law applicable to the legal profession. Although called the "Third", this is the first attempt by the ALI to restate the law of legal ethics.

Topics include: Regulation of the Legal Profession; The Client Lawyer Relationship; Clients' and Lawyers' Financial and Property Relationship; Confidential Client Information; Lawyers in the Adversary System; Liability of Lawyers to Clients and Non-Clients; Lawyers as Counselors and Conflicts of Interests.

GIL-Find Catalog Search

The Law Library has a number of books devoted to legal ethics.  These are great resources to utilize when picking a topic or starting your research.

These are some general search suggestions.  You can narrow your search by using a more specific term such as "Attorney-Client Relationship" or "Judicial Conduct." In general call numbers for Legal Ethics are in the range of KF305 - KF314.

Law Reviews and Journals

Law reviews and journals on legal ethics can be found on HeinOnline, Westlaw, or LexisNexis

CALI Lessons

CALI provides interactive lessons on a variety of topics. Lessons can take from 10-90 minutes to complete, with most averaging 30-45 minutes.

CRS Reports

The Congressional Research Service (CRS) serves the Congress throughout the legislative process by providing comprehensive and reliable legislative research and analysis that are timely, objective, authoritative, and confidential, thereby contributing to an informed national legislature.

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