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Faculty Citation Reports

Converting the Report from Excel to Word

To convert the spreadsheet into a Word document that can be attached to your annual report, follow these steps:

1. Open the Excel file and sheet containing the citations.

2. Open a blank Word document.

3. Select all of the cells with content and copy them using CTRL-C.

4. Right-click in the Word document, and under "Paste Options" select "Use Destination Styles."

5. Adjust the table columns so that they don't look messy, i.e., minimize the appearance of large rows. The easiest way to do this is to select the "Table Tools -> Layout" tab, click on "Distribute Columns," and then resize the columns as you wish.

6. Make sure that the header row repeats across all of the pages of the citation report. To do this, click to place the cursor in the first row (Citation, Author(s), Title, Work Cited), then in the "Table Tools -> Layout" tab, select "Repeat Header Rows."

6. Make sure that the cells don't break across rows, leaving orphaned information. To do this, on the "Table Tools -> Layout" tab, select the diagonal arrow in the corner of the "Cell Size" box, then select the "Row" tab. Click on the check box next to "Allow row to break across pages" to deselect it.

7. On the "Table Tools -> Design" tab, select "Shading" and change the shading of the top row to black.

8. After you've confirmed that the file looks correct, save the file with the following name "[LastName] - [year] Citation Report.docx".

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