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Faculty Citation Reports

Formatting Searches

In general, searches in Westlaw and Lexis should take the following form:

(firstname /2 lastname)

This searches for any instance where your first name appears within two words of your last name, in any order. For example:

  • charity /2 scott

You may want to modify this search to account for variations in your name due to the use of nicknames, changes in life circumstances, or to reduce the number of false hits. For example:

  • pam! /2 brannon
  • (margaret OR meg) /2 butler
  • kelly /2 (cahill OR timmons)
  • "jack f. williams"
  • "john travis marshall" OR "john t. marshall"

You can create one search for use in both LexisNexis and Westlaw.

In addition to searching for your name, you may want to perform additional searches for certain special circumstances:

  • Works with three or more authors: If you have coauthored a work with three or more authors, and you are not the lead author, you may want to run a search either for that work or for the lead author. This is necessary because the Bluebook calls for the use of "et al" with three or more authors, and so a search for your name would not return those results. 
  • Unsigned works: If you wrote a work that was unsigned, you may want to either include a search for that work or run a Shepard's/KeyCite search for that work.

Searching in Westlaw

In Westlaw, you can run your search with a date restriction (using DA(date)) in the main search bar.

Westlaw search box with the search (pam! /2 brannon) & DA(2022) entered.

Once you have run this search, you can view your results and click through the various categories to see the results: 

Westlaw search results screen showing secondary source results

Searching in LexisNexis

In Lexis Advance, you cannot enter a date restriction in the initial search, so you must first run your name search.

Once you have run a name search, you can click on each document type to view the results.

Within most document types you will see an option to narrow by the "Timeline," which is where you can enter your date restriction.


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