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The Rules of Evidence

In this area of law, the Rules of Evidence is the most important primary source. In Georgia, they are codified in Title 24 of  the Official Code of Georgia Annotated. In 2011, the rules were revised to closely match their federal counterparts (in numbering and substance), considerably increasing the influence of the latter. Although most of the important codified law is contained here, you should still thoroughly research the rest of the O.C.G.A. to ensure that you find all of the relevant law. 

The Federal Rules of Evidence (FRE) have been influential in many states, including Georgia. Although the FRE are codified alongside judicially-created court rules, such as the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP), they were actually enacted by Congress pursuant to its power under the Rules Enabling Act. Although you'll find most of the important codified law in the FRE, you should still thoroughly research an annotated version of the United States Code (such as the U.S.C.A. or U.S.C.S.) to ensure that you find all of the relevant law. 


You can search for relevant cases using the links below. However, you should also make sure to take advantage of other case-finding tools, such as statutory annotations and American Law Reports. For help using these tools, see our Introduction to Legal Research

Here's some sample introductory text that acts as the perfect placeholder. 

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