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Law Review Resources

GIL, the Library Catalog

One of the most overlooked resources in the Law Library is the catalog, GIL (or GIL-Find). GIL contains records of the books in the Law Library and the University Library and links to sources in the libraries' databases. Think of it as the first place to go for any sort of information on what we have in the library.

The Database List

In addition to the resources listed on this page, the Law Library and University Library subscribe to a variety of databases on various subjects. If you're looking for something and can't find it, check in the database list - we may have it there!


If you're starting to even wonder if the source exists, you may want to check in WorldCat. WorldCat is the combined catalog of public, academic, private, and government libraries around the world, and contains records for almost any resource that's available. If it's not in WorldCat, there's a good chance that it doesn't exist.

Federal Primary Sources

You could always go to the books to find the source you need in the U.S. Code, the CFR, or the Statutes at Large, but now you can also find them in HeinOnline.  You will need to log-in with your MyLaw ID and password if you are off-campus.

State Primary Sources


Electronic Journals

If you're looking for a journal, the first place to look should be in the Law Library's Catalog, GIL-FIND. You can also locate journal articles using the Unviersity Library's Discover Search. Finally, you can also use the University Library's Electronic Journal Locator

Full text journals can also be found in the following databases:


Locating a cited newspaper article can be difficult. The Law Library generally does not attempt to obtain newspaper articles through Interlibrary Loan for source collection. However, there are some places you can look besides LexisNexis and Westlaw for the full-text of newspaper articles.

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