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Ethics and Professional Responsibility

This research guide provides an overview of legal ethics and professional responsibility.

Case Law - Federal

In addition to cases located in LexisNexis or Westlaw, federal opinions can be found in the following sources:

Case Law - Georgia

In addition to searching Georgia Ethics Databases, you can search Georgia cases using the links below. 

Overview of Legal Ethics Case Law

State ethics opinions may be appealed to the appellate courts, where the court opinions carry more weight than the state bar association's opinions. Case law involving legal ethics issues includes appeals of disciplinary proceedings, legal malpractice, sanctions under FRCP 11, 26 and 37, and ineffective assistance of counsel claims in criminal appeals.

Find Judicial opinions on legal ethics in the traditional case law databases:

Locate court decisions relating to legal ethics using West key numbers:

Georgia Legal Ethics Cases - Databases

Find Georgia opinions from the Georgia Supreme Court and Court of Appeals that relate to legal ethics:

  • Lexis: Georgia Ethics Cases database
    • Set filters to Cases, Georgia, and Legal Ethics
  • Westlaw: Georgia Legal Ethics & Professional Responsibility Cases database
Disclaimer: The views and opinions of the authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the State of Georgia, and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes. Georgia State University College of Law and the authors of the works contained on this website do not assume or accept any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, currentness, or comprehensiveness of the content on this website. The content on this website does not in any manner constitute the issuance of legal advice or counsel. The information on this website is intended to provide resources that may aid the research of the topics presented, and are in no way a comprehensive list of sources one should consult on the topics presented. Please note that case law, statutory law, and administrative law may be modified and/or overturned. Additionally, because the laws vary between jurisdictions, the laws referred to herein may or may not be applicable to the law within the reader’s jurisdiction.