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Urban Fellows

Georgia Resources

State Research (Non-Georgia)

If you need to find information on cases, statutes, or regulations from another state and have no idea where to start, check out one of these sources:

The Law Library also has a print research guide for every state in the country. These print guides often include information not available in other sources, such as sources for historical information. For more information, stop by the Reference Desk.

Local Ordinances

Local ordinances are generally available online through the company that publishes them. Although Municode is the largest, it is not the only publisher of local ordinances.

50-State Surveys

A 50-State Survey is, at minimum, a listing of the laws on a particular topic in all states. Some surveys are only a list of the different state code sections, while others can contain detailed information on the content of the law, sometimes organized into charts that allow you to compare the laws of different states easily.

International, Comparative, and Foreign Law

Disclaimer: The views and opinions of the authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the State of Georgia, and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes. Georgia State University College of Law and the authors of the works contained on this website do not assume or accept any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, currentness, or comprehensiveness of the content on this website. The content on this website does not in any manner constitute the issuance of legal advice or counsel. The information on this website is intended to provide resources that may aid the research of the topics presented, and are in no way a comprehensive list of sources one should consult on the topics presented. Please note that case law, statutory law, and administrative law may be modified and/or overturned. Additionally, because the laws vary between jurisdictions, the laws referred to herein may or may not be applicable to the law within the reader’s jurisdiction.