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CDC Public Health Blog

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CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)

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Robert Wood Johnson Foundation New Public Health Blog

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Health Impact Pyramid

The Health Impact Pyramid


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From CDC's Director Dr. Thomas Friedan's article, "A Framework for Public Health Action: The Health Impact Pyramid"

Levels of Intervention

Levels of Intervention

View "Levels of Intervention" in Part 1, Chapter 4 of link above

  • Primary - seeks to prevent disease or injury through reduction of risk factors.  This can be active (requiring individuals to act - ex. mandating vaccination before school entry) or passive (changing the default to a healthier option - ex. flouridation of water).   
  • Secondary - early detection of disease such as through screening of individuals (ex. mobile mammogram programs) or data collection and reporting (ex. reportable diseases sent from hospitals to local or state public health)  
  • Tertiary - once the disease or injury exists, reducing the impact (ex. isolating someone who is contagious to prevent spread to others) or improving the health outcomes (ex. maintenance of diabetes through healthy eating education programs)


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The 10 Essential Public Health Services


The 10 Essential Public Health Services (EPHS) describe the public health activities that all communities should undertake. For the past 25 years, the EPHS have served as a well-recognized framework for carrying out the mission of public health. The EPHS framework was originally released in 1994 and more recently updated in 2020. The revised version is intended to bring the framework in line with current and future public health practice.

The 10 Essential Public Health Services serves as a framework of the ideal strategies towards which all communities should strive to best address the public's health. The legal component of Public Health becomes increasingly important. Note that the 5th and 6th essential public health services are respectively "create, champion, and implement policies, plans, and laws that impact health," and "utilize legal and regulatory actions designed to improve and protect the public’s health."

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