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Bar Exam Success Guide

This guide will provide users with information on applying, studying, and preparing for the Bar Exam.

Welcome to the Bar Exam!

Welcome to the world of the bar exam! Whether you are a third-year law student about to graduate, or an undergraduate student interested in the path to becoming a licensed attorney, this guide is designed to break down and de-mystify the bar examination.

What is the bar examination?

Once you graduate law school, you are eligible to take the bar exam. The bar exam is the entrance exam to becoming a member of the bar of a particular jurisdiction. In other words, it is the way to becoming a licensed attorney in a state. Even though you take the exam after you graduate law school, you must register for the exam long before graduation. It is important to be prepared and understand all of the components of the bar exam.

Important Websites for Bar Exam Information

Bar Prep Classes

Preparation for the bar exam typically requires 8-10 weeks of dedicated study following your law school graduation. The majority of students choose to supplement their law school notes and outlines with a developed program that is specifically intended to help examinee's pass the bar exam. Below is a non-comprehensive list of the available programs. Many law schools also have student representatives for each of these programs, so reach out to your classmates for more information.

Bar Exam Study Aids Online

Bar Exam Study Aids in Print

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