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Bar Exam Success Guide

This guide will provide users with information on applying, studying, and preparing for the Bar Exam.


The Multistate Bar Examination (MBE) is a six-hour, 200-question multiple-choice examination covering  a variety of subjects, including contracts, torts, constitutional law, criminal law and procedure, evidence, and real property.

Each jurisdiction determines its own policy with regard to the relative weight given to the MBE and other scores (The MBE is a component of the Uniform Bar Examination. Jurisdictions administering the UBE weight the MBE 50%). Questions about the use made of MBE scores should be directed to the appropriate jurisdiction, not to NCBE.

You can check out the MBE preparation page for more information.


The MBE is developed by the National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE).  Bar applicants must contact their specific jurisdiction to determine if the MBE is part of that jurisdiction's exam. Currently, the MBE is one part of the Georgia Bar Exam as well as a component of the Uniform Bar Examination.

Subjects Tested

Civil Procedure Constitutional Law
Contracts Criminal Law and Procedure
Evidence Real Property

MBE Study Aids

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