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Bar Exam Success Guide

This guide will provide users with information on applying, studying, and preparing for the Bar Exam.


The Multistate Performance Test (MPT) is designed to test an applicant’s ability to use fundamental lawyering skills in a realistic situation.

The MPT consists of two 90-minute skills questions covering legal analysis, fact analysis, problem solving, resolution of ethical dilemmas, organization and management of a lawyering task, and communication.  Click here for a more detailed description of the test.

You can check out the MPT preparation page for more information.


The MPT is created by the National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) and not utilized in every jurisdiction. The MPT is part of the Georgia Bar Exam as well as the Uniform Bar Examination. In Georgia, the two questions can cover areas of law that involve any subject matter whether covered in the essay questions, Multistate Bar Examination or otherwise.

Subjects Tested

The MPT does not test subjects, but rather tests skills. Below are the six broad skills which are tested on the MPT. Refer to the MPT Skills Tested document for a more detailed explanation of each skill.

  1. Problem solving: The applicant should demonstrate the ability to develop and evaluate strategies for solving a problem or accomplishing an objective.
  2. Legal analysis and reasoning: The applicant should demonstrate the ability to analyze and apply legal rules and principles.
  3. Factual analysis: The applicant should demonstrate the ability to analyze and use facts and to plan and direct factual investigation.
  4. Communication: The applicant should demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively in writing.
  5. Organization and management of a legal task: The applicant should demonstrate the ability to organize and manage a legal task.
  6. Recognizing and resolving ethical dilemmas: The applicant should demonstrate the ability to represent a client consistently with applicable ethical standards.

Sample Questions & Answers

NCBE Materials

The NCBE has MPT summaries from 2019-2023 published on their website.  The NCBE also has free MPTs and Point Sheets from 2013-2018.

Georgia Materials

Because of copyright, the Georgia Board of Law Examiners will not post summaries of the MPT questions on their website.  They do however post sample answers to the MPT questions that were selected for testing on the Georgia Bar Exams from February 2000 to July 2023.

NOTE:  All jurisdictions test the same MPTs each year, so there is no difference in the content between what is released on the NCBE website and what is released by Georgia. You can use both of these sites for a complete picture on MPT answers and questions.

MPT Study Aids

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