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Bar Exam Success Guide

This guide will provide users with information on applying, studying, and preparing for the Bar Exam.

What is the NextGen Bar Exam?

Set to debut in July 2026, the NextGen bar exam will test a broad range of foundational lawyering skills, utilizing a focused set of clearly identified fundamental legal concepts and principles needed in today’s practice of law. Designed to balance the skills and knowledge needed in litigation and transactional legal practice, the exam will reflect many of the key changes that law schools are making today, building on the successes of clinical legal education programs, alternative dispute resolution programs, and legal writing and analysis programs. 

Refer to the NCBE's website for all information and updates regarding the NextGen bar exam. You can also subscribe to receive updates about the NextGen bar exam.

Question Types and Sample Questions

The NextGen bar exam will feature three broad categories of question types: 

Multiple-Choice Questions: Approximately 40% of the exam time will be devoted to stand-alone multiple-choice questions with between four and six answer options and one or more correct answers.

Integrated Question Sets: Approximately a quarter of the exam time will be devoted to integrated question sets.

Longer Performance Tasks: Approximately a third of the exam time will be devoted to longer performance tasks. 

Content Scope

The NextGen Bar Exam will be different is in its content scope. The content scope document outlines the breadth of material to be covered in the areas of legal knowledge and categories of practical skills and abilities that will be tested on the NextGen bar exam. There will be both foundational concepts and principles tested, which are currently tested on the MBE, as well as foundational lawyering skills tested. Some foundational lawyering skills are currently tested in the MPT but will also be included in the multiple choice section of the NextGen bar exam.

  • Foundational concepts and principles: Civil Procedure, Contract Law, Evidence, Torts, Business Associations, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, and Real Property
    • Family Law: From July 2026 through February 2028, family law concepts will appear on every NextGen exam in a performance task and may also be included in integrated question sets. During this period, family law concepts will be tested with the provision of legal resources. Starting in July 2028, Family Law will be included in the foundational concepts and principles tested on the NextGen bar exam.
    • Trusts and Estates: From July 2026 through at least February 2028, trusts and estates concepts will appear on every NextGen exam in a performance task and may also be included in integrated question sets. During this period, trusts and estates concepts will be tested with the provision of legal resources.
  • Foundational lawyering skills: Legal Research, Legal Writing, Issue Spotting and Analysis, Investigation and Evaluation, Client Counseling and Advising, Negotiation and Dispute Resolution, Client Relationship and Management

Which jurisdictions have adopted the NextGen Bar Exam?

The following jurisdictions have announced their adoption of the NextGen exam starting with the dates listed below.

July 2026:

Connecticut, Guam, Maryland, Missouri, Oregon, Washington

July 2027:

Arizona, Iowa, Kentucky, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Vermont, Wyoming

July 2028:

Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Utah

Date to be announced: 

Illinois (2028)

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